Sunday, February 19, 2012

Upcoming Readings

Dear Readers:

My friend Elisa, from Tercets, has some upcoming poetry readings that many of you may enjoy.  Also, she very kindly has passed on the Liebster blog award to me!  I appreciate her support very much and will in turn share this award with other blogs that I enjoy. I am making this post very brief, because I am really swamped with writing; truly, I just want to finish my dissertation.  However, I know that my perfectionism has hindered me in the past from just moving forward with my blog, with other creative projects, and with life in general.  So although I am not posting my very own content, I do hope these posts inspire you and keep you reading until I can devote more time to my own blog.

Sylvia Morin 

Upcoming Readings:

If you live in Houston, you can hear a large group of poets published in the Mutabilis Press anthology Improbable Worlds read at Brazos Bookstore on Saturday, February 25, at 2 p.m. I will read my poem “Bat Bridge” and mingle with the other poets. I hope you will join us.

On Saturday, March 3, you can hear me read in Chicago at the AWP Conference as part of the panel Border Bodies — Womanhood In Verse. Our presentation is from 1:30 - 2:45 p.m. in Private Dining Room 2, at the Hilton Chicago, 3rd Floor. This is a panel of poets all associated with Mouthfeel Press, including Katherine Hoerth, Laura Cesarco Eglin, and Maria Miranda Maloney.

My talk at AWP is not open to the public, but I hope to see you there if you are already registered for the conference. For the rest of you, here is a preview:

I will discuss how the narratives of women’s bodily processes, such as lactation, are considered natural instead of cultural, which means they are not valued as important enough for literature. I will read my poem about Hurricane Ike, which is about nursing my newborn during the storm.

I will discuss how a woman’s body can metaphorically represent her path in life, and read from my poem “Soy Chicana.”

Lastly, I will discuss how poems about women and their bodies offer a much needed counterpoint to the dominant narrative about border culture that is militaristic and hyper-masculine. I plan to read from poems in process about the women murdered in Juarez.

I have other reading and writing events in the works, and will post information here, and on the “Upcoming Events” page when they are finalized.

If you want to buy my latest book, Entre la claridad, it is available for $7.00 from Mouthfeel Press. My poem “Soy Chicana” is included. You can listen to some of the poems from this book through the links on my “Audio” page above.

Have you liked the Entre la claridad page on Facebook? I post notices about writing, the giveaways, and literary events there also.