Monday, May 17, 2010

The First Day

The only thing that I really intended to do was to start a journal, so that a classmate and I could encourage each other as we push through the agonizing process of writing a dissertation. Perhaps a blog might be useful in someways in order to synthesize ideas and various complicated notions. I intend to share this with Montse, my dear friend and classmate, as well as anyone who is interested in reading or listening. In no way do I think that I am an expert in all things, nor would I consider myself to be extraordinarily savvy when it comes to technological innovations. Rather this a way to put "pen to paper." Finally, I would like to add that in a class discussion last semester a general comment was made about the explosion of blogs, and how many feel that blogging in some way gives a certain type of authority. "I blog therefore I am." I do not think that is the case; the only purpose is to share with those who may care.