Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

As I reflect on the bounty of the previous year, I realize I have much to be thankful for.  I hope that this space, although virtual, will serve as a meaningful form of expression, perhaps as a way of giving back and sharing what I have learned.  I am especially thankful for my family and friends. Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

This isn't something to yawn about!

Yesterday evening while watching Channel 39 News in Houston, I saw a very disturbing news story. According to Mia, and the official title as posted on their website, the professor is freaking out because of loud student yawning. Yes, the professor is furious and perhaps has lost his cool, but I know for a fact that students are becoming more disrespectful every day. Obviously, a yawn is sometimes as inevitable as sneezing or coughing, but clearly those engaging in the disruptive behavior are doing so purposefully. The class is the size of a small auditorium and keeping college students engaged is no easy feat. As a college instructor, I am constantly amazed by the indifference displayed by students. I may be looking directly at them and they continue texting, chatting with their neighbor, etc. Why are they in class? Do we have a right to reprimand them? It seems as though they feel entitled to behave any way they want only because they have paid their tuition. As universities become diploma churning machines, I fear that this type of behavior will only continue and worsen. Furthermore, professors and teachers actually putting in the effort to teach are practically demonized for "freaking out" and demanding a little respect. I felt indignant after the report; I know I work very hard to put together lessons that are meaningful. It seems, however, that if the subject matter isn't "fun" and one is not sufficiently entertaining, then one's intellectual contribution is simply not worth it. Alas, I am saddened by the rapid decline of our cultural institutions.